Seventh Grade Wisdom

One thing I know,
is that life is too short;
you only have a spoonful of time.

When you hold a grudge,
you are hurting yourself,
it’s like scarring your soul and your mind.

The challenges in life,
are the tests that you get
to prepare you to take on the world

Things happen for reasons,
at a certain time,
and it helps you to enter the world

Loss is a boulder, that we have to carry,
but profit is a pebble,
unrecognized till it’s gone.

If you take more than you need,
and never say thank you,
you will eventually end up alone

You get one life,
you get one chance,
Do everything that you need and want.

When you have a bad day,
you can tell to yourself that,
You only need to live this day once.

Enjoy the present,
because it is a gift
You can only savor it for now

To sum it all up,
the best thing I know,
is that life is just stuffed with surprises.

All rights reserved © 2014 Josephine Joyil

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